Southern Black Bream - Acanthopagrus butcheri
Snapper - Pagrus auratus
Tailor - Pomatomus saltatrix #32
The main target species here was the Southern Black Bream, but I had an occassional Tailor or Silver Trevally. The best way to get Black Bream is the fish a small live crab and wait for a take. For Tailor or Trevally I found the best bait was pipis. This also caught a whole host of other species as well including Zebrafish, Weedfish, Blue Weed Whiting, Yellow-eye Mullet, Tasmanian Blennies, Pinky Snapper and Small Bream. At night, it is plagued with Soldierfish so you need to be careful not to get spiked as it has very venomous spines. I've heard of smaller Mulloway caught from here but I have never seen one.
Zebra Fish - Girella zebra
Common Weedfish - Heteroclinus perspicillatus #33
Soldierfish - Gymnapistes marmoratus
Tasmanian Blenny - Parablennius tasmanianus #34
Two species of introduced goby can be found in the area as well. They've probably both been introduced from Japan through the ballast water in container ships. The Chameleon Goby, called the Japanese Goby in Australia can change into several colour forms. I've seen them completely black, brownish with spots and white with a lengthwise black stripe. The second species is called the Yellowfin Goby. In Japan its is called Ma-Haze [マハゼ(真鯊)] and is a delicacy, usually eaten battered and fried. This is actually not caught at the Warmies but a location quite nearby.
Chameleon / Japanese Goby - Tridentiger trigonocephalus #35
Chameleon / Japanese Goby - Tridentiger trigonocephalus
Yellowfin Goby / Ma-Haze [マハゼ(真鯊)] - Acanthogobius flavimanus #36