Got to the Marina a few hours early so I had a stroll around the marina and found a few nice grey mullet feeding as well as a whole lot of Plumose Anemone.
Thicklip Grey Mullet - Chelon labrosus
Plumose Anemone - Metridium senile
Once we sailed out of port and settled down to fish, people started to hook into some fish, a few dabs and mackerel and then a Starry Smooth-hound came aboard. They looked very much like Gummy Sharks back in Austraia. They are actually just a difference species from the same genus.
Starry Smooth-hound - Mustelus asterias
Starry Smooth-hound - Mustelus asterias
A total of 4 Smoothhounds were caught, none to me though. I only managed to hook into 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish [#90], I even got grazed by their sandpaper-like skin, which stung like a ....
Lesser Spotted Dogfish - Scyliorhinus canicula #90
Lesser Spotted Dogfish - Scyliorhinus canicula
On the way back home, we I photographed this nice Gannet:
Northern Gannet - Morus bassanus
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